Program Calendar 2019-2020

Meetings of the Demarest Garden Club are held on the first Friday of the month at the United Methodist Church, 109 Hardenburgh Ave., Demarest, NJ. Meetings begin at 1:00 with committee reports followed by a scheduled program at 2:00. Refreshments and social hour conclude the afternoon. Most meetings are open to the public without charge except as noted.

Sep 6 A Garden Safari
Photographic presentation of wildlife in the garden.
Oct 4 Flower Power
Demonstration of beautiful floral designs.
Nov 1 Members Only
This meeting is not open to the public.
Dec 13 Party! Party! Party!
Holiday Luncheon 12 noon at Madeleine’s Petit Paris.
Members and Guest Invited. $29 Reserves Seat.
Jan 3 Healthy Gardening Tips
Presentation on healthy home gardening.
Feb 7 Hints for a Successful Garden
Program of useful gardening tips.
Mar 6 Deer Resistant Native Plants  
Presentation on which plants are less likely to be eaten by hungry critters.
Apr 3 The Herb Lady
Program on growing, harvesting, and using your garden herbs.
May 8 Annual Plant Sale
Our public plant sale functions mainly on a pre-order basis.
June 5 Installation of Officers and Luncheon
Annual Pot-luck lunch at 12 noon with meeting to follow.
Members and invited guests only.